Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 20, 2009 - Toys For Teens Best Buy

I've been remiss in posting about the last troop we did in 2008 mainly because the next day started our bout of "Getting Nasty Sick for the Holidays". Still, the good thing about it was the trooping debut of my Wifey, Mrs. TB 2719.

That's right! That's her in the TIE Pilot costume. She's the perfect TIE Pilot. She can stand ram-rod straight at attention like a pro and she stays in character much better than I do.

The day started harmless enough. I woke up this Saturday morning with a bit of a cough so I started on the Cold-EEZE and the Airborne. Turned out the day became quite rainy and the cold turned out to be not just a cold, but that's another story. We've been working on getting the TIE costume together for a little while and this was the first time busting it out in public. It's still not 100% finished but it was definitly ready for a public debut.

The event was for Toys For Teens in cooporation with the US Marine Corps. Our job is to raise awareness for the cause and get folks to come out to the store. And this being the last weekend for shopping before Christmas, the people were indeed out and about. And we got a great load of donations for the cause.

It was a great turnout and a great event. Thanks to Jester and Best Buy in Kennesaw, GA for hosting and we'll see you next year!


I don't really remember. I'm just glad we are both not sick anymore.

Read More... After the Jump!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

November 29, 2008 - Toys-for-Tots Mall of GA TRU

The United States Marine Corps Toys-for-Tots is a very worthy cause and a great event for 501st and Rebel Legion Members to come out in costume to help drive shoppers and donations. On November 29th, 2008 a big group of troopers came out to help United States Marine Sgt. Sean Russell collect toys and donations at the Mall of Georgia Toys R Us location in Buford, GA.

The event was organized by Star Wars Galactic Alliance member Yodafiend (Susan) and we had a really great turnout. The weather was a bit dreary but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun posing for pictures with tons of kids (and adults) and collecting 2 big boxes of toys for Toys-for-Tots. Sgt. Sean was extremely grateful for our appearance. He said it made a big difference from the day prior when he was there by himself. You can hear his comments on Episode 30 of the 501stcast.


Susan - Jedi
Daphne - X-Wing Pilot
Dillard - Jedi
Steve - TB 2719
Kris - SL 6247
Darrell - RC 6234
Jesse - TK 5090
Alex - TK 332
Joey - TB 715
Julian - 501st Clone
Patricia - Boushh
Chris - Stormtrooper

Jane - Costume Support/Photographer
Kyle - Costume Support/Photographer
Jayne - Costume Support/Photographer

Read More... After the Jump!