Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 17, 2009 - GSU Basketball's MS Benefit

The Georgia State Men's Basketball Team was donating a portion of the tickets sales from tonight's game to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. They had the great idea of having a Star Wars night in order to build awareness and bring out the fans.

Well, the Georgia Garrison of the 501st answered the call and came out in full-force for another worthy cause. 14 of Georgia's Finest Troopers, along with 4 of our friends from the Rebel Legion were on hand for a fun evening of Basketball, patrolling the stadium, posing for photos, and most importantly, raising awareness for the MS Association.

The Georgia State Mascot "Pounce" was on hand to take up the cause as well dressed in his Jedi robes for the special occasion.

Meeting the fans and posing for pictures with the kids is always the most fun. There was a lot of genuine smiles and laughter around and the kids had a blast!

The patrols of the stadium were great fun. Waving to the kids and just being seen was such a surprise and delight to all of the youngsters in attendance.

After the game we got a chance to line up out on the court for a final farewell and thanks to all of the folks who came out for MS and to see the 501st Legion in action.

It was a long day of trooping but it was well worth it since we helped raise a great deal of money for the MS Association. We certainly had "The RIGHT STUFF"!


MADOG - RC-6234
Kris - SL-6247
Steve - TB-2719
Jesse - TK-5090
Alex - TK-332
Hal - TK-9609
Anita - TB-9608
Shane - TI-9619
Stephen - TK-5988
Nikki - ID-9562
James - IS-0271
Charles - TK-887
Smitty - TK-2052
Robert - BH-0060
Jane - AT-AT Driver

Rebel Legion:
Daphne - Imperial Officer
Dillard - Jedi
Karyn - Jedi
Christopher - Jedi

Josh - Costume Support
Steve - Costume Support
Regina - Costume Support/Photographer
Detag - Costume Support/Photographer
Kern - Costume Support/Photographer

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